Pilot supercluster Excellent 3 at Web Summit

Representatives of the pilot supercluster "Excellent 3" visited the Web summit in Lisbon from November 1st to November 4th.

Cluster members, Nemanja Petrović, Strahinja Vukoičić, Marko Ljubenović, and Marko Matanović, had the opportunity to see leading global experts, innovators, and business leaders driving change in every industry. The Web Summit is well-recognized within the global Web3 community as a good time for networking through participation in the accompanying and independent crypto and blockchain events during the summit, such as Solana Hacker House, Breakpoint, EthLisbon, Polkadot, and others.

The team from the supercluster "Excellent 3" made the most of their week in Lisbon, where they met many startups working on the development of web3 solutions, and they had meetings with representatives of the NEAR protocol, as well as fintech service providers. They continued their discussions on how to create synergies and build a local web3 ecosystem together and took the opportunity to present the Web2.5 Academy to potential partners.